Monday, April 23, 2012


Once again, I ventured away from blogging over Easter...But, I did want to post pictures of the special day. We had a lovely Easter celebrating our Risen Savior with friends and family. And, hope you did as well!
Where does time go?! Last year's pic...Crazy how much the girls have grown!
 Nana and Granddaddy were here to share this Easter together.  And, Nana made the girls' dresses - LOVE them!! She is so gifted with sewing and smocking! Thank you, Mom!
Aunt Jynne spent Easter with us as well!
The Grandaddy and Grandad :)

Daddy getting ready for church.
 Sweet girls! Friends from church.
 "Everybody hug!"

What would we do without this sweet friend?! We love you, Clarissa! 
 A sweet surprise - our "other" family:) Mr. Trey and Miss Ella
 Elisea's "Big Brother" and "Big Sister"
 Our dear friends, The Fairbairns:) So special to see them on Easter! And, they looked so nice in their matching outfits! Love the coral!
 Our church has a bare cross that on Easter Sunday, everyone can place a fresh flower on it to represent new life!
 Easter egg dying:)
 Great idea - using a whisk!
 3 generations:)
 Little Jules easter basket - I love getting "goodies" for the girls! Especially, when they are practical and fun!
 Big E's easter basket - I collect things throughout the year for different gift giving purposes...makes it a lot of fun:)
 Sweet gift from the Aunt and Uncle:)
 E's aunt bought her a butterfly kite  - and the uncle put it together:) She loved it!
 What would we do without puffs?!
 Fun at the park.
We live, because He lives...
2 Corinthians 5:15
"And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again."

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